Who has the coolest name ,most unique, the one that you would like to be named or not? - lindsey dawn mckinsey 16
My friends and I have this fight about who has the better name, the more special and you want to be identified or named (yes, you happen to be stupid, and sometimes the names of the boys and girls) are
Elizabeth Laikin
Aliya Dawn
Stephanie Reanay
Kortney Elizabeth
Laura Elena
Nancy Emily Michelle
Callie Ann
Ian Edward
Destiny Scott
Ethan Dean
Nicolette Kay
Natalie Ann
Lindsey MaKalynn
Elizabeth Bailey
Please reply
Laikin Elizabeth - I love this one, but I prefer Laeken. Laikin is very attractive and unique, without going crazy. Love it! 9 / 10
Aliya Dawn - This is not my style. I do not want to be named Aliya. It's a bit too boring / fashion similar to me. No offense at all what I heard Thow cogens. 4 / 10
Stephanie Reanay fan - not a. It is too much for me, 70 years, and Reanay seems ridiculous. 4 / 10
Kortney Elizabeth - curiously, one of my best friends is the name Kourtney, and his mother is Stephanie ... I personally do not like it, Kortney seems to be unique to wannabe for me. 5 / 10
Ellen Lauren - love this one, but does not flow very well. But anyway, I love Lauren and Ellen. No longer unique, but very attractive. 9 / 10
Nancy Emily Michelle - Ick, I do not. Emily is very overused, and Nancy Michelle is ridiculous ... 3 / 10
Callie Ann - Love Callie. Ann is a small stream, but Callie is great. 7 / 10
Ian Edward - Okay, but not my faFavorite. Ian is correct, but I am a woman, so that no personal prefer this name for my ..... hehe, but not bad. 7 / 10
Destiny Scott fan - Not a. Maybe this sounds too feminine. Besides, I know a girl named Destiny absolutely horrible. Nearly one of my favorite people at least ... 4 / 10
Ethan Dean - very attractive name, but I have never used ethane. 8 / 10
Nicolette Kay - Okay. Nicolette is attractive, but I am not a person. Kay is a little too blah for me. 6 / 10
Natalie Ann - means beautiful, but attractive. I like him, but not my favorite. 6 / 10
Lindsey MaKalynn - One of my best friends is MaKalyn name, and I also have a very close friend named Lindsay. So, as a rule it. 8 / 10
Elizabeth Bailey - Well, my name is Elizabeth and my name is Bailey, this is a sort of Nice, in my opinion. I like it. :) 8 / 10
Therefore, my favorite is undoubtedly Laikin Elizabeth, but I also like Laura ELLEN.
The name of Ethan my favorite kids' Dean, although Ian Edward is also nice.
Good luck!
- Amy
If I were a boy Ethan and daughter Nicolette. Nicolette is unique here, others are in fashion and 100 in all, except perhaps in Destin, is a bit cold. Emily Way too much in this world, however, and Bailey is just a nuisance.
I like Natalie Ann girls and boys Ethan Dean.
Coolest Name: Ethan Dean.
Name of the most unusual Laikin Elizabeth.
I would not be walking: Aliya Dawn.
I do not want to be known as: Elizabeth Bailey.
Emily Bailey and Callie, but I do mean well, but MaKalynn a name and not an option lol name first and if I have a boy Ethan
Among these I would like to be called --
Callie Ann cos its only a spectacular and original:)
If I were a guy was won by Ethan Dean sounds cool and sounds like an actor, haha:)
In truth, I have can not be named one of them.
I like Elizabeth and Nancy. If I were a boy, Edward be nice.
Elizabeth Laikin
Laikin is an impressive name. =)
Laikin is the best name in the first place, but I do not know how the second name
Callie Ann is the sweetest name.
Callie Ann is the sweetest name.
I always wanted my parents called me Leeann Smith, did not. Perhaps in my next life.
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